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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* interp.c */
- /* Ghostscript language interpreter */
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "ghost.h"
- #include "stream.h"
- #include "errors.h"
- #include "estack.h"
- #include "iname.h"
- #include "iscan.h"
- #include "dict.h"
- #include "dstack.h"
- #include "oper.h"
- #include "packed.h"
- #include "save.h"
- #include "store.h"
- /* Imported operator procedures */
- extern int obj_le(P2(os_ptr, os_ptr));
- extern int zop_add(P1(os_ptr));
- extern int zop_def(P1(os_ptr));
- extern int zop_sub(P1(os_ptr));
- /* Other imported procedures */
- extern int in_stopped(P0());
- /*
- * The procedure to call if an operator requests rescheduling.
- * This causes an error unless the context machinery has been installed.
- */
- private int
- no_reschedule(void)
- { return_error(e_invalidcontext);
- }
- int (*gs_interp_reschedule_proc)(P0()) = no_reschedule;
- /*
- * The procedure to call for time-slicing.
- * This is a no-op unless the context machinery has been installed.
- */
- private int
- no_time_slice(void)
- { return 0;
- }
- int (*gs_interp_time_slice_proc)(P0()) = no_time_slice;
- /* Forward references */
- private int interp(P2(ref *pref, ref *perror_object));
- private int interp_exit(P1(os_ptr));
- private int copy_stack(P3(const ref *, uint, ref *));
- /* Configuration parameters */
- #define max_ostack 800
- #define max_estack 150
- #define max_dstack 20
- uint min_dstack_size; /* set by iinit.c */
- ref ref_language_level; /* 1 or 2, set by iinit.c */
- /* See estack.h for a description of the execution stack. */
- /* The logic for managing icount and iref below assumes that */
- /* there are no control operators which pop and then push */
- /* information on the execution stack. */
- /* Stacks */
- #define os_guard_under 10
- #define os_guard_over 10
- private ref ostack[os_guard_under+max_ostack+os_guard_over];
- private ref estack[max_estack];
- private ref dstack[max_dstack];
- os_ptr osp_nargs[os_max_nargs]; /* for checking osp */
- /* Stack pointers */
- os_ptr osbot, osp, ostop;
- es_ptr esbot, esp, estop;
- es_ptr esfile; /* cache pointer to currentfile */
- ds_ptr dsbot, dsp, dstop;
- /* Object related to error handling */
- extern ref name_errordict;
- extern ref name_ErrorNames;
- /* Extended types. The interpreter may replace the type of operators */
- /* in procedures with these, to speed up the interpretation loop. */
- #define tx_op t_next_index
- extern int zadd(P1(os_ptr));
- extern int zdef(P1(os_ptr));
- extern int zdup(P1(os_ptr));
- extern int zexch(P1(os_ptr));
- extern int zif(P1(os_ptr));
- extern int zifelse(P1(os_ptr));
- extern int zindex(P1(os_ptr));
- extern int zle(P1(os_ptr));
- extern int zpop(P1(os_ptr));
- extern int zroll(P1(os_ptr));
- extern int zsub(P1(os_ptr));
- private const op_proc_p special_ops[] = {
- zadd, zdef, zdup, zexch, zif, zifelse, zindex, zle, zpop, zroll, zsub
- };
- typedef enum {
- tx_op_add = tx_op,
- tx_op_def,
- tx_op_dup,
- tx_op_exch,
- tx_op_if,
- tx_op_ifelse,
- tx_op_index,
- tx_op_le,
- tx_op_pop,
- tx_op_roll,
- tx_op_sub,
- tx_next_op
- } special_op_types;
- #define num_special_ops ((int)tx_next_op - tx_op)
- #define t_invalid tx_next_op /* first invalid type */
- const int tx_next_index = tx_next_op;
- /* Initialize the interpreter */
- void
- gs_interp_reset(void)
- { /* Just reset the stacks. */
- osp = osbot - 1;
- esp = estack - 1;
- dsp = dstack + (min_dstack_size - 1);
- }
- void
- interp_init(void)
- { /* Initialize the guard entries on the operand stack */
- /* with objects that have invalid type and attributes. */
- osbot = ostack + os_guard_under;
- ostop = osbot + (max_ostack-1);
- { register os_ptr op;
- for ( op = ostack; op < osbot; op++ )
- make_tav(op, t_invalid, 0, index, 0);
- }
- { register int i;
- for ( i = 1; i <= os_max_nargs; i++ )
- op_nargs_check(i) = osbot + i - 1;
- }
- /* Initialize the other stacks. */
- esbot = estack;
- estop = estack + (max_estack-1);
- esfile = 0;
- dsbot = dstack;
- dstop = dstack + (max_dstack-1);
- /* Reset the stack pointers. */
- gs_interp_reset();
- }
- /* Look up an operator during initialization, */
- /* changing its type if appropriate. */
- void
- interp_fix_op(ref *opref)
- { register int i = num_special_ops;
- op_proc_p proc = real_opproc(opref);
- while ( --i >= 0 && proc != special_ops[i] ) ;
- if ( i >= 0 )
- make_tasv(opref, tx_op + i, a_executable, r_size(opref), opproc,
- (dummy_op_proc_p)proc);
- }
- /*
- * Invoke the interpreter. If execution completes normally, return 0.
- * If an error occurs, the action depends on user_errors as follows:
- * user_errors < 0: always return an error code.
- * user_errors == 0: let the normal PostScript error handling
- * machinery handle it if a `stopped' is active,
- * otherwise return the error code.
- * user_errors > 0: let the PostScript machinery handle all errors.
- * In case of a quit or a fatal error, also store the exit code.
- */
- int
- gs_interpret(ref *pref, int user_errors, int *pexit_code, ref *perror_object)
- { ref *epref = pref;
- ref erref;
- ref *perrordict, *pErrorNames;
- int code, ccode;
- ref saref;
- /* Push a special exit procedure on the execution stack */
- es_ptr esp0 = ++esp;
- make_oper(esp0, 0, (dummy_op_proc_p)interp_exit);
- *pexit_code = 0;
- retry: code = interp(epref, perror_object);
- switch ( code )
- {
- case e_Fatal:
- *pexit_code = 255;
- return code;
- case e_Quit:
- if ( (*pexit_code = (int)osp->value.intval) != 0 )
- code = e_Fatal;
- return code;
- case e_InterpreterExit:
- return 0;
- }
- /* Adjust osp in case of operand stack underflow */
- if ( osp < osbot - 1 )
- osp = osbot - 1;
- if ( user_errors < 0 || (user_errors == 0 && !in_stopped()) )
- return code;
- if ( dict_find(systemdict, &name_errordict, &perrordict) <= 0 ||
- dict_find(systemdict, &name_ErrorNames, &pErrorNames) <= 0
- )
- return code; /* errordict or ErrorNames not found?? */
- switch ( code )
- {
- case e_dictstackoverflow:
- if ( osp + 1 >= ostop )
- return_error(e_stackoverflow);
- ccode = copy_stack(dsbot, dsp - dsbot + 1, &saref);
- if ( ccode < 0 ) return ccode;
- dsp = dsbot + (min_dstack_size - 1);
- *++osp = saref;
- break;
- case e_execstackoverflow:
- if ( osp + 1 >= ostop )
- return_error(e_stackoverflow);
- ccode = copy_stack(estack, esp - estack + 1, &saref);
- if ( ccode < 0 ) return ccode;
- esp = esp0;
- *++osp = saref;
- break;
- case e_stackoverflow:
- ccode = copy_stack(ostack, osp - osbot + 1, &saref);
- if ( ccode < 0 ) return ccode;
- osp = osbot;
- *osbot = saref;
- break;
- }
- if ( -code > r_size(pErrorNames) )
- return code; /* unknown error??? */
- if ( dict_find(perrordict, &pErrorNames->value.refs[-code - 1], &epref) <= 0 )
- return code; /* error name not in errordict??? */
- erref = *epref;
- epref = &erref;
- /* Push the error object on the operand stack */
- *++osp = *perror_object;
- goto retry;
- }
- private int
- interp_exit(os_ptr op)
- { return e_InterpreterExit;
- }
- /* Copy the contents of an overflowed stack into an array. */
- private int
- copy_stack(const ref *stk, uint size, ref *arr)
- { int code = alloc_array(arr, a_all, size, "overflowed stack");
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- refcpy_to_new(arr->value.refs, stk, size);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Main interpreter. */
- /* If execution terminates normally, return e_InterpreterExit. */
- /* If an error occurs, leave the current object in *perror_object */
- /* and return a (negative) error code. */
- private int
- interp(ref *pref /* object to interpret */, ref *perror_object)
- { register ref *iref = pref;
- register int icount = 0; /* # of consecutive tokens at iref */
- register os_ptr iosp = osp; /* private copy of osp */
- register es_ptr iesp = esp; /* private copy of esp */
- int code;
- ref token; /* token read from file or string, */
- /* must be declared in this scope */
- register ref *pvalue;
- os_ptr whichp;
- /* We have to make the error information into a struct; */
- /* otherwise, the Watcom compiler will assign it to registers */
- /* strictly on the basis of textual frequency. */
- /* We also have to use ref_assign_inline everywhere, and */
- /* avoid direct assignments of refs, so that esi and edi */
- /* will remain available on Intel processors. */
- struct interp_error_s {
- int code;
- int line;
- ref *obj;
- } ierror;
- #define return_with_error(ecode, objp)\
- { ierror.code = ecode; ierror.obj = objp;\
- ierror.line = __LINE__; goto rwe;\
- }
- #define return_with_error_code_iref()\
- { ierror.line = __LINE__; goto rweci;\
- }
- #define return_with_error_short(ecode, objp)\
- { ierror.code = ecode; ierror.obj = objp;\
- ierror.line = __LINE__; goto rwe_short;\
- }
- esfile = 0; /* clear cache */
- /* From here on, if icount > 0, iref and icount correspond */
- /* to the top entry on the execution stack: icount is the */
- /* count of sequential entries remaining AFTER the current one. */
- #define add1_short(pref) (ref *)((ushort *)(pref) + 1)
- #define store_state(ep)\
- ( icount > 0 ? (ep->value.refs = iref + 1, r_set_size(ep, icount)) : 0 )
- #define store_state_short(ep)\
- ( icount > 0 ? (ep->value.refs = add1_short(iref), r_set_size(ep, icount)) : 0 )
- #define next()\
- if ( --icount > 0 ) { iref++; goto top; } else goto out
- #define next_short()\
- if ( --icount <= 0 ) { if ( icount < 0 ) goto up; iesp--; }\
- iref = add1_short(iref); goto top;
- /* We want to recognize executable arrays here, */
- /* so we push the argument on the estack and enter */
- /* the loop at the bottom. */
- if ( iesp >= estop ) return_with_error (e_execstackoverflow, pref);
- ++iesp;
- ref_assign_inline(iesp, pref);
- goto bot;
- top: /*
- * This is the top of the interpreter loop.
- * iref points to the ref being interpreted.
- * Note that this might be an element of a packed array,
- * not a real ref: we carefully arranged the first 16 bits of
- * a ref and of a packed array element so they could be distinguished
- * from each other. (See ghost.h and packed.h for more detail.)
- */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['I'] || gs_debug['i'] &&
- (*(ushort *)iref <= packed_max_full_ref ? r_type(iref) == t_name :
- *(short *)iref < 0)
- )
- { void debug_print_ref(P1(ref *));
- int edepth = iesp - esbot;
- char depth[10];
- sprintf(depth, "%2d", edepth);
- dputs(depth);
- edepth -= strlen(depth);
- do { dputc('.'); } while ( --edepth > 0 ); /* indent */
- dprintf3("%lx(%2d)<%2d>: ",
- (ulong)iref, icount, (uint)(iosp - osbot + 1));
- debug_print_ref(iref);
- if ( iosp >= osbot )
- { dputs(" // ");
- debug_print_ref(iosp);
- }
- dputc('\n');
- fflush(dstderr);
- }
- #endif
- /* Object that have attributes (arrays, dictionaries, files, and strings) */
- /* use lit and exec; other objects use plain and plain_exec. */
- #define lit(t) type_xe_value(t, a_execute)
- #define exec(t) type_xe_value(t, a_execute + a_executable)
- #define nox(t) type_xe_value(t, 0)
- #define nox_exec(t) type_xe_value(t, a_executable)
- #define plain(t) type_xe_value(t, 0)
- #define plain_exec(t) type_xe_value(t, a_executable)
- /*
- * We have to populate enough cases of the switch statement to force
- * some compilers to use a dispatch rather than a testing loop.
- * What a nuisance!
- */
- switch ( r_type_xe(iref) )
- {
- /* Access errors. */
- #define cases_nox()\
- case nox_exec(t_array): case nox_exec(t_dictionary):\
- case nox_exec(t_file): case nox_exec(t_string):\
- case nox_exec(t_mixedarray): case nox_exec(t_shortarray)
- cases_nox():
- return_with_error (e_invalidaccess, iref);
- /*
- * Literal objects. We have to enumerate all the types.
- * In fact, we have to include some extra plain_exec entries
- * just to populate the switch. We break them up into groups
- * to avoid overflowing some preprocessors.
- */
- #define cases_lit_1()\
- case lit(t_array): case nox(t_array):\
- case plain(t_boolean): case plain_exec(t_boolean):\
- case plain(t_condition): case plain_exec(t_condition):\
- case lit(t_dictionary): case nox(t_dictionary)
- #define cases_lit_2()\
- case lit(t_file): case nox(t_file):\
- case plain(t_fontID): case plain_exec(t_fontID):\
- case plain(t_gstate): case plain_exec(t_gstate):\
- case plain(t_integer): case plain_exec(t_integer)
- #define cases_lit_3()\
- case plain(t_lock): case plain_exec(t_lock):\
- case plain(t_mark): case plain_exec(t_mark):\
- case plain(t_name):\
- case plain(t_null):\
- case plain(t_oparray):\
- case plain(t_operator)
- #define cases_lit_4()\
- case plain(t_real): case plain_exec(t_real):\
- case plain(t_save): case plain_exec(t_save):\
- case lit(t_string): case nox(t_string)
- #define cases_lit_5()\
- case lit(t_mixedarray): case nox(t_mixedarray):\
- case lit(t_shortarray): case nox(t_shortarray):\
- case plain(t_device): case plain_exec(t_device)
- /* Executable arrays are treated as literals in direct execution. */
- #define cases_lit_array()\
- case exec(t_array): case exec(t_mixedarray): case exec(t_shortarray)
- cases_lit_1():
- cases_lit_2():
- cases_lit_3():
- cases_lit_4():
- cases_lit_5():
- cases_lit_array():
- break;
- /* Special operators. */
- case plain_exec(tx_op_add):
- x_add: if ( (code = zop_add(iosp)) < 0 )
- return_with_error_code_iref();
- iosp--;
- next();
- case plain_exec(tx_op_def):
- x_def: if ( (code = zop_def(iosp)) < 0 )
- return_with_error_code_iref();
- iosp -= 2;
- next();
- case plain_exec(tx_op_dup):
- x_dup: if ( iosp < op_nargs_check(1) )
- return_with_error (e_stackunderflow, iref);
- iosp++;
- ref_assign_inline(iosp, iosp - 1);
- next();
- case plain_exec(tx_op_exch):
- x_exch: if ( iosp < op_nargs_check(2) )
- return_with_error (e_stackunderflow, iref);
- ref_assign_inline(&token, iosp);
- ref_assign_inline(iosp, iosp - 1);
- ref_assign_inline(iosp - 1, &token);
- next();
- case plain_exec(tx_op_if):
- x_if: if ( !r_has_type(iosp - 1, t_boolean) )
- return_with_error (e_typecheck, iref);
- if ( !iosp[-1].value.index )
- { iosp -= 2;
- next();
- }
- if ( iesp >= estop )
- return_with_error (e_execstackoverflow, iref);
- store_state(iesp);
- whichp = iosp;
- iosp -= 2;
- goto ifup;
- case plain_exec(tx_op_ifelse):
- x_ifelse: if ( !r_has_type(iosp - 2, t_boolean) )
- return_with_error (e_typecheck, iref);
- if ( iesp >= estop )
- return_with_error (e_execstackoverflow, iref);
- store_state(iesp);
- whichp = (iosp[-2].value.index ? iosp - 1 : iosp);
- iosp -= 3;
- /* Open code "up" for the array case(s) */
- ifup: if ( !r_is_proc(whichp) )
- { /* This is an unusual enough case that we go ahead */
- /* and clear the currentfile cache without */
- /* checking whether we have an exec(t_file), */
- /* just to avoid another case test. */
- esfile = 0;
- ref_assign_inline(iesp + 1, whichp);
- iref = iesp + 1;
- icount = 0;
- goto top;
- }
- if ( (icount = r_size(whichp) - 1) <= 0 )
- { if ( icount < 0 ) goto up; /* 0-element proc */
- iref = whichp->value.refs; /* 1-element proc */
- goto top;
- }
- ++iesp;
- /* Do a ref_assign, but also set iref. */
- iesp->tas = whichp->tas;
- iref = iesp->value.refs = whichp->value.refs;
- goto top;
- case plain_exec(tx_op_index):
- x_index: if ( (code = zindex(iosp)) < 0 )
- return_with_error_code_iref();
- next();
- case plain_exec(tx_op_le):
- x_le: code = obj_le(iosp - 1, iosp);
- if ( code < 0 )
- return_with_error_code_iref();
- iosp--;
- make_bool(iosp, code);
- next();
- case plain_exec(tx_op_pop):
- x_pop: if ( iosp < op_nargs_check(1) )
- return_with_error (e_stackunderflow, iref);
- iosp--;
- next();
- case plain_exec(tx_op_roll):
- x_roll: if ( (code = zroll(iosp)) < 0 )
- return_with_error_code_iref();
- iosp -= 2;
- next();
- case plain_exec(tx_op_sub):
- x_sub: if ( (code = zop_sub(iosp)) < 0 )
- return_with_error_code_iref();
- iosp--;
- next();
- /* Executable types. */
- case plain_exec(t_null):
- goto bot;
- case plain_exec(t_oparray):
- /* Replace with the definition and go again. */
- pvalue =
- &op_array_table.value.refs[op_index(iref) - op_def_count];
- prst: /* Prepare to call the procedure (array) in *pvalue. */
- store_state(iesp);
- pr: /* Call the array in *pvalue. State has been stored. */
- if ( (icount = r_size(pvalue) - 1) <= 0 )
- { if ( icount < 0 ) goto up; /* 0-element proc */
- iref = pvalue->value.refs; /* 1-element proc */
- goto top;
- }
- if ( iesp >= estop )
- return_with_error (e_execstackoverflow, pvalue);
- ++iesp;
- /* Do a ref_assign, but also set iref. */
- iesp->tas = pvalue->tas;
- iref = iesp->value.refs = pvalue->value.refs;
- goto top;
- case plain_exec(t_operator):
- { esp = iesp; /* save for operator */
- osp = iosp; /* ditto */
- /* Operator routines take osp as an argument. */
- /* This is just a convenience, since they adjust */
- /* osp themselves to reflect the results. */
- /* Operators that (net) push information on the */
- /* operand stack must check for overflow: */
- /* this normally happens automatically through */
- /* the push macro (in oper.h). */
- /* Operators that do not typecheck their operands, */
- /* or take a variable number of arguments, */
- /* must check explicitly for stack underflow. */
- /* (See oper.h for more detail.) */
- /* Note that each case must set iosp = osp: */
- /* this is so we can switch on code without having to */
- /* store it and reload it (for dumb compilers). */
- switch ( code = (*real_opproc(iref))(iosp) )
- {
- case 0: /* normal case */
- iosp = osp;
- next();
- case o_push_estack: /* store the state and go to up */
- iosp = osp;
- store_state(iesp);
- iesp = esp;
- goto up;
- case o_pop_estack: /* just go to up */
- iosp = osp;
- if ( esp == iesp ) goto bot;
- iesp = esp;
- goto up;
- case o_reschedule:
- store_state(iesp);
- goto res;
- case e_typecheck:
- /* This might be an operand stack */
- /* underflow: check the required # of */
- /* operands now. */
- if ( osp < osbot - 1 + op_num_args(iref) )
- code = e_stackunderflow;
- /* (falls through) */
- }
- iosp = osp;
- return_with_error_code_iref();
- }
- case plain_exec(t_name):
- pvalue = iref->value.pname->pvalue;
- if ( !pv_valid(pvalue) )
- { ref *pdvalue;
- if ( (pdvalue = dict_find_name(iref)) == 0 )
- return_with_error (e_undefined, iref);
- pvalue = pdvalue;
- }
- /* Dispatch on the type of the value. */
- /* Again, we have to over-populate the switch. */
- switch ( r_type_xe(pvalue) )
- {
- cases_nox(): /* access errors */
- return_with_error (e_invalidaccess, iref);
- cases_lit_1():
- cases_lit_2():
- cases_lit_3():
- cases_lit_4():
- cases_lit_5():
- /* Just push the value */
- if ( iosp >= ostop )
- return_with_error (e_stackoverflow, pvalue);
- ++iosp;
- ref_assign_inline(iosp, pvalue);
- next();
- case exec(t_array):
- case exec(t_mixedarray):
- case exec(t_shortarray):
- /* This is an executable procedure, execute it. */
- goto prst;
- case plain_exec(tx_op_add): goto x_add;
- case plain_exec(tx_op_def): goto x_def;
- case plain_exec(tx_op_dup): goto x_dup;
- case plain_exec(tx_op_exch): goto x_exch;
- case plain_exec(tx_op_if): goto x_if;
- case plain_exec(tx_op_ifelse): goto x_ifelse;
- case plain_exec(tx_op_index): goto x_index;
- case plain_exec(tx_op_le): goto x_le;
- case plain_exec(tx_op_pop): goto x_pop;
- case plain_exec(tx_op_roll): goto x_roll;
- case plain_exec(tx_op_sub): goto x_sub;
- case plain_exec(t_null):
- goto bot;
- case plain_exec(t_oparray):
- pvalue =
- &op_array_table.value.refs[op_index(pvalue) -
- op_def_count];
- goto prst;
- case plain_exec(t_operator):
- { /* Shortcut for operators. */
- /* See above for the logic. */
- esp = iesp;
- osp = iosp;
- switch ( code = (*real_opproc(pvalue))(iosp) )
- {
- case 0: /* normal case */
- iosp = osp;
- next();
- case o_push_estack: /* store the state and go to up */
- iosp = osp;
- store_state(iesp);
- iesp = esp;
- goto up;
- case o_pop_estack: /* just go to up */
- iosp = osp;
- if ( esp == iesp ) goto bot;
- iesp = esp;
- goto up;
- case o_reschedule:
- store_state(iesp);
- goto res;
- case e_typecheck:
- if ( osp < osbot - 1 + op_num_args(pvalue) )
- code = e_stackunderflow;
- }
- iosp = osp;
- return_with_error (code, pvalue);
- }
- case plain_exec(t_name):
- case exec(t_file):
- case exec(t_string):
- default:
- /* Not a procedure, reinterpret it. */
- store_state(iesp);
- icount = 0;
- iref = pvalue;
- goto top;
- }
- case exec(t_file):
- { /* Executable file. Read the next token and interpret it. */
- stream *s;
- code = file_check_read(iref, &s);
- if ( code < 0 ) return_with_error_code_iref();
- rt: if ( iosp >= ostop ) /* check early */
- return_with_error (e_stackoverflow, iref);
- osp = iosp; /* scan_token uses ostack */
- switch ( code = scan_token(s, 0, (ref *)(iosp + 1)) )
- {
- case 0: /* read a token */
- /* It's worth checking for literals, which make up */
- /* the majority of input tokens, before storing the */
- /* state on the e-stack. Note that because of //, */
- /* the token may have *any* type and attributes. */
- /* Note also that executable arrays aren't executed */
- /* at the top level -- they're treated as literals. */
- if ( !r_has_attr(iosp + 1, a_executable) ||
- r_is_array(iosp + 1)
- )
- { iosp++;
- goto rt;
- }
- store_state(iesp);
- /* Push the file on the e-stack */
- if ( iesp >= estop )
- return_with_error (e_execstackoverflow, iref);
- ++iesp;
- ref_assign_inline(iesp, iref);
- iref = iosp + 1;
- icount = 0;
- goto top;
- case scan_EOF: /* end of file */
- code = file_close(iref);
- if ( code < 0 )
- return_with_error_code_iref();
- goto bot;
- case scan_BOS:
- /* Binary object sequences */
- /* ARE executed at the top level. */
- store_state(iesp);
- /* Push the file on the e-stack */
- if ( iesp >= estop )
- return_with_error (e_execstackoverflow, iref);
- ++iesp;
- ref_assign_inline(iesp, iref);
- pvalue = iosp + 1;
- goto pr;
- default: /* error */
- return_with_error_code_iref();
- }
- }
- case exec(t_string):
- { /* Executable string. Read a token and interpret it. */
- stream ss;
- sread_string(&ss, iref->value.bytes, r_size(iref));
- osp = iosp; /* scan_token uses ostack */
- switch ( code = scan_token(&ss, 1, &token) )
- {
- case 0: /* read a token */
- case scan_BOS: /* binary object sequence */
- store_state(iesp);
- /* Push the updated string back on the e-stack */
- if ( iesp >= estop )
- return_with_error (e_execstackoverflow, iref);
- ++iesp;
- iesp->tas.type_attrs = iref->tas.type_attrs;
- iesp->value.bytes = ss.cptr + 1;
- r_set_size(iesp, ss.cbuf + ss.bsize - ss.cptr - 1);
- if ( code == 0 )
- { iref = &token;
- icount = 0;
- goto top;
- }
- /* Handle BOS specially */
- pvalue = &token;
- goto pr;
- case scan_EOF: /* end of string */
- goto bot;
- default: /* error */
- return_with_error_code_iref();
- }
- }
- /* Handle packed arrays here by re-dispatching. */
- /* This also picks up some anomalous cases of non-packed arrays. */
- default:
- switch ( *(ushort *)iref >> packed_type_shift )
- {
- case pt_full_ref:
- case pt_full_ref+1:
- if ( iosp >= ostop )
- return_with_error(e_stackoverflow, iref);
- ++iosp;
- /* We know that refs are properly aligned: */
- /* see packed.h for details. */
- ref_assign_inline(iosp, iref);
- next();
- case pt_executable_operator:
- { uint index = *(ushort *)iref & packed_int_mask;
- op_index_ref(index, &token);
- store_state_short(iesp);
- icount = 0;
- iref = &token;
- } goto top;
- case pt_integer:
- if ( iosp >= ostop )
- return_with_error_short(e_stackoverflow, iref);
- ++iosp;
- make_int(iosp, (*(short *)iref & packed_int_mask) +
- packed_min_intval);
- next_short();
- case pt_literal_name:
- case pt_literal_name+1:
- if ( iosp >= ostop )
- return_with_error_short(e_stackoverflow, iref);
- ++iosp;
- name_index_ref((uint)*(ushort *)iref &
- packed_max_name_index,
- iosp);
- next_short();
- case pt_executable_name:
- case pt_executable_name+1:
- { ref nref;
- uint nidx = *(ushort *)iref & packed_max_name_index;
- name_index_ref(nidx, &nref);
- pvalue = nref.value.pname->pvalue;
- if ( !pv_valid(pvalue) )
- { ref *pdvalue;
- if ( (pdvalue = dict_find_name_by_index(nidx)) == 0 )
- return_with_error_short(e_undefined, &nref);
- pvalue = pdvalue;
- }
- if ( r_is_proc(pvalue) )
- { /* This is an executable procedure, */
- /* execute it. */
- store_state_short(iesp);
- goto pr;
- }
- /* Not a procedure, reinterpret it. */
- store_state_short(iesp);
- icount = 0;
- iref = pvalue;
- goto top;
- }
- /* default can't happen here */
- }
- }
- /* Literal type, just push it. */
- if ( iosp >= ostop ) return_with_error (e_stackoverflow, iref);
- ++iosp;
- ref_assign_inline(iosp, iref);
- bot: next();
- out: /* At most 1 more token in the current procedure. */
- /* (We already decremented icount.) */
- if ( !icount )
- { /* Pop the execution stack for tail recursion. */
- iesp--;
- iref++;
- goto top;
- }
- up: /* See if there is anything left on the execution stack. */
- if ( !r_is_proc(iesp) )
- { iref = iesp--;
- icount = 0;
- goto top;
- }
- iref = iesp->value.refs; /* next element of array */
- icount = r_size(iesp) - 1;
- if ( icount <= 0 ) /* <= 1 more elements */
- { iesp--; /* pop, or tail recursion */
- if ( icount < 0 ) goto up;
- }
- goto top;
- res: /* Some operator has asked for context rescheduling. */
- code = (*gs_interp_reschedule_proc)();
- if ( code < 0 ) return_with_error_code_iref();
- /* Reload state information from memory. */
- iosp = osp;
- iesp = esp;
- goto up;
- /* Error exits. */
- rweci:
- ierror.code = code;
- ierror.obj = iref;
- rwe:
- store_state(iesp);
- goto error_exit;
- rwe_short:
- store_state_short(iesp);
- error_exit:
- if ( ierror.code == e_interrupt )
- { /* We must push the current object being interpreted */
- /* back on the e-stack so it will be re-executed. */
- /* Currently, this is always an executable operator, */
- /* but it might be something else someday if we check */
- /* for interrupts in the interpreter loop itself. */
- if ( iesp >= estop )
- code = e_execstackoverflow;
- else
- { iesp++;
- ref_assign_inline(iesp, iref);
- }
- }
- esp = iesp;
- osp = iosp;
- ref_assign_inline(perror_object, ierror.obj);
- return gs_log_error(ierror.code, __FILE__, ierror.line);
- }
- /* ------ Initialization procedure ------ */
- op_def interp_op_defs[] = {
- /* Internal operators */
- {"0%interp_exit", interp_exit},
- op_def_end(0)
- };